Dr. Elise Wong is a certified specialist in dental anaesthesiology in Ontario. After graduated from dental school in 2004; Dr. Wong received 3 additional years of postgraduate training in Dental Anaesthesia at the Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto East General Hospital, Toronto Western Hospital and anesthesia surgicentre at the University of Toronto. Upon completion of this specialty training, she moved to Calgary, Alberta and practiced full time at Calgary’s FootHill Medical Centre, where she provided dental and sedation/ anaesthesia care to patients referred from across southern Alberta. Dr. Wong, through collaboration with Tom Baker’s Cancer Centre, has also served as a dental consultant for patient diagnosed with hematologic disease & malignancy, contributing to overall therapeutic comfort and success for cancer patients.
In 2010, with a drive for clinical excellence, Dr. Wong also obtained additional training in pediatric care at the B.C. Children’s Hospital in Vancouver, British Columbia prior to York Region, Ontario opening Richmond Hill Sleep Dentistry.
Dr. Wong is passionate about delivering care in a comfortable environment, catering to each patient’s special situation and need. She is also passionate about education and has lectured widely to dentists and dental care providers on topics including medical emergency, sedation and sleep dentistry. Dr. Wong has published articles in the Journal of Ontario Dentist and Canadian Journal of Anaesthesiology on medical-dental patient care and specific pre-operative patient management. She is also a clinic instructor in the discipline of Dental Anaesthesia at the University of Toronto.
Links to articles authored by Dr. Wong: