Pre-op Instruction:
ARRIVING - Please arrive for your appointment on time on scheduled date. |
CLOTHING - Wear loose-fitting clothing, a T-shirt is best. Do not wear any facial makeup, nail polish or jewelry. For the young child patient, please bring a diaper or a change of clothes. |
EATING - You must have NOTHING to eat after midnight the night before your appointment (no milk, no orange juice, no chewing gum). Small drinks of clear liquid (e.g. water, apple juice, ginger ale, sugar solution, water) up until 3 hours before the scheduled time of appointment is allowed. For example, if you/your child is scheduled for appointment at 12 noon, stop giving clear liquid at 9 am.
NB: An empty stomach is an important part of any patient’s safety during sedation or ananesthetic. If the fasting instruction is not followed the procedure may be postponed and cancellation fee applied
. |
MEDICATIONS - Normally prescribed oral medications may be taken up to one hour before the scheduled appointment with a sip of water unless told by our staff otherwise. Please inform us upon arriving of ALL medications or drugs (including alcohol) you have taken in the 24 hours prior to treatment. |
CHANGE IN HEALTH - Any change in your health, especially the development of a cold or fever within a few days prior to your appointment, is very important. For your own safety, please inform us of any change in health prior to your appointment. |
GETTING HOME - Arrangement MUST be made to have a responsible adult to take you home, by car or taxi (NO PUBLIC TRANSIT). NO EXCEPTIONS! You will be allowed to leave the clinic when you are awake. You should not drive or operate any type of motor vehicle for 18-24 hours. |
Post-op Instruction:
ACTIVITIES - Rest. DO NOT plan any activities following the treatment for the next 18-24 hours (do not drive, ride a bike, return to work/school, or care for another child). Child patient must be with an adult for the remainder of the day and monitored closely at home. You should be back to a normal daily routine the next day. |
EATING & DRINKING - Do not drink any alcoholic beverages for the remainder of the day; replenish your energy by having clear fluid and then solid if not experiencing nausea / vomiting. |
Pain/Fever - Use Tylenol (acetaminophen) or Motrin (ibuprofen), follow the dosage instructions carefully and do not exceed. You may start first dose at home following our instruction. Avoid tooth brushing on treatment area today but tomorrow, gently clean the mouth with a soft tooth brush. |
Swelling - Swelling may occur, apply a COLD cloth to swollen areas for ~15min (15min on, 15 min off). If swelling increases after 48 hours contact our office. |
Bruising - Bruising of the skin around the mouth or IV site may occur after surgery and may last about one week. |
Others - Sore throat, difficulty in opening the mouth or ear pain sometimes occurs after dental treatment under sedation or anaesthesia. Maintain soft diet and these should begin to gradually disappear in two to four days. |
If there is: concerns or questions, frequent nausea or vomiting, breathing problems, prolonged bleeding, severe pain or swelling, prolonged sleepiness or weakness. |